Student Modelling Competition > Project

Challenge 1: FaCade

Building scope – bridge


Design the Bridge façade to optimise outcomes for natural daylighting, thermal comfort, and heating energy consumption.

Design considerations

This is a passive design challenge – we want you to show off your skills in using passive design principles to achieve high quality indoor environments. The only active conditioning allowed for the Bridge is heating.  No cooling can be provided, however natural ventilation using the façade can be explored if you so choose. You can modify the building envelope as much as you want.  The floor plans and sections should not be altered significantly from the existing design – you may make minor adjustments as long as the total air volume within each room is within 5% of the existing design. Note: the Bonus Challenge may influence your design decisions for this Challenge.

Performance targets

Your task is to get the best outcomes across these three areas over one calendar year, using the following benchmarks as targets.

spatial daylight autonomy

Thermal comfort
adaptive thermal comfort, 90% satisfaction band

lower numbers of hours required to be on

Judging criteria

The team with the best combined outcome (lowest number of unmet hours) will receive full points.  Remaining teams will be assigned points on a sliding scale.  Ties are accepted.