Student Modelling Competition > Project

Challenge 2: HVAC

Building scope – Art Gallery


Design the Art Gallery HVAC systems to minimise annual energy consumption while still meeting the conditioning and ventilation performance targets for the museum.

Design considerations

Museums typically have stringent temperature and humidity requirements and Bundanon is no different. The art gallery is largely subterranean with minimal exposed envelope.  You may not make modifications to the envelope performance or the art gallery geometry (floor plans, sections, etc.).  The focus of this challenge is entirely on the HVAC systems. Your system must be all-electric, but otherwise the equipment selection and design is up to you.

Performance targets

Your task is to minimise energy consumption while meeting the stringent performance requirements.  Please refer to the Inputs and Assumptions section for details.  All teams will use the same performance criteria and weather file.

Judging criteria

Your simulation must not have more than 2% unmet hours. The team with the lowest annual energy consumption will be awarded full points. Remaining teams will be assigned points on a sliding scale.  Ties are accepted. Annual energy is defined in MWh/year of site energy. Source energy / transmission losses are not included.