Student Modelling Competition > Project

Challenge 3: Off-grid

Building scope – Art Gallery


Design the lowest cost off-grid energy solution to service the art gallery in the event of an extended grid disruption.

Design considerations

This off-grid challenge is based on the same performance you achieved in Challenge 2.  You will be designing a combination of on-site energy generation and energy storage that can service the art gallery. We have provided cost assumptions for you to use in Inputs and Assumptions.  Should your system include technology not included within this brief, please submit an RFI. Note that this is not an electrical engineering challenge – your focus should be on the specifications for onsite generation and batteries, not the exact electrical design setup.

Performance targets

total number of hours, annually, that can be serviced by the off-grid system (generation and battery) using the referenced weather file

total system cost (in Australian Dollars) divided by the annual energy consumption (consistent with Challenge 2)

Judging criteria

The team with the lowest normalised cost and highest number of covered hours will receive full points. Remaining teams will be assigned points on a sliding scale.  Ties are accepted.