Student Modelling Competition

Report judging criteria

The report is worth 20% of your final score. Please keep within the listed page limits.  For every page beyond the limit we will dock your team two points.

Your report will be assessed based on:

  • Recommendation clarity – are your recommendations clear? Are they consistent with the outcomes of the Challenges?
  • Report organisation – is your report easy to follow?  Do your explanations (written and/or visual) for your recommendations make sense?

Note: we understand that for many teams, English will not be a first language.  It is not our intention to penalise anyone writing in a second (third, fourth) language!  When we say “clarity”, we are not asking you to meet pedantic grammar or language rules.  If we can understand what you are saying, that is good enough.  What we will be judging, is whether those recommendations make sense – and if we were the client, would we understand why you made those recommendations.  If you have any concerns about this portion of the process, please submit an RFI.

Judging criteria

Challenge 1Up to 20 pointsQuantitative assessment
Challenge 2Up to 20 pointsQuantitative assessment
Challenge 3Up to 20 pointsQuantitative assessment
ReportUp to 20 pointsQuantitative assessment
InnovationUp to 20 pointsQuantitative assessment
TotalOut of 100 points
Bonus challenge3 pointsUndertaking challenge
Up to 7 pointsQuantitative assessment

The judges

The competition judges are to be confirmed, and will be listed here when the information is available.