Student Modelling Competition

RFI answers

Please provide details on the page limits

A report of no more than 5 pages (A4 or US letter) + cover page (cover page not included towards overall page count)

Up to 10 additional pages of appendices for Challenges 1-3; if you are undertaking the Bonus Challenge you may have 2 additional pages (total 12)

Can you please advise on the ground temperature for New South Wales?

Whilst the annual ground temperature varies based on distance from the surface. At depths larger than 5m, the temperature tends to stabilise and can be assumed to be roughly the same as the average dry bulb temperature for the year.

Teams can use the provided weather file to calculate this. Should teams wish to consider depths of less than 5m, a finer temporal averaging period can be used, and the organisers encourage teams to research this based on the requirements of your design solution.

Challenge 3 – what technologies can be considered and are any discouraged?

This is completely up to you – teams are not ristricted to any particular technology and we want to see a variety of ideas across the teams! We have provided assumptions for PV, however given the vast range of technologies available, teams will need to research and report on any assumptions made for their chosen technology.

Bonus Challenge – can other LCA tools such as OneClickLCA be used?

Teams are allowed to use the LCA tool of their choice however to allow comparision between teams, the NABERS national emissions factors database must be used unless the emissions intensity for a product/material is not available within that database. In this case the team must provide a reference for the value they are using, and demonstrate how it is applicable to the Australian market including an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD).

Bonus Challenge – what NABERS tools should we be using for this task?

The required NABERS tools for use are those included within the challenge brief.

Can you please share the project topography?

There is no need to include the surrounding topography of the site. We want all teams to start with the same baseline regarding this.

Challenge 1 – Bridge Façade: Should we be considering the external façade, internal partitions or both?

The challenge is primarily related to the external envelope, noting that internal partitions are typically between rooms so cannot have any transparent elements. However, teams are able to explore the thermal properties of the internal partitions should they wish to.

Challenge 2 – HVAC scope: Should the HVAC design be limited to the gallery space, or should we include other areas such as the office, foyer, etc?

The HVAC system applies to any space that requires ventilation and/or air conditioning (both heating and/or cooling) to achieve the minimum outdoor air supply rates as well as the required space temperature and humidity setpoints. This applies in all highlighlighted/hatched spaces.

Proof of eligibility

Acceptable documents include the following, provided that it clearly shows (for each team member) that they will be a full-time student in tertiary eduction on 1 January 2025 :

  • Photograps of student ID
  • Letter on University letterhead confirming current enrolment
  • Official transcripts
  • Any other document that proves you are a full-time student on the date specified
Please share the inputs and assumptions.

Drawings and required inputs have now been provided and can be accessed through the portal once a notification of intent has been submitted.

When will RFI resonses be provided?

RFIs can be submitted up to 14 March, with final responses provided by 31 March. The next round of RFI responses will be published by 28 February.