Author instruction update

Full paper submissions can now be made via ConfTool. Many authors have requested an extension, therefore we have extended the last date for submission to 10 March 2025. Please submit as soon as possible.
Research and Practice paper submissions
The link for MS Word template for a Research Paper submission was sent with the Abstract acceptance email via ConfTool. Authors can also find links to the Word and LaTex templates below:
Authors may use the same format for the Practise Paper submission; the paper length will be the same, but you may change the sub-section titles to suit your paper.
E-Poster submissions
e-Poster submissions: Authors please prepare high resolution PDF pages in standard 16:9 ratio. e-Posters may only include a single page. Use any Sans font, minimum font size 16. You may use any software to create your e-Poster and e-Poster presentation, but submissions must be PDF.
There are no restrictions on the use of graphs/diagrams, or font/background colour, but please ensure that any images are of high resolution and readable and that there is enough contrast to read any text clearly on a digital screen.
A BS 2025 logo should be inserted on the right hand bottom corner of the page. Commercial logos are not to be used unless the study has been sponsored, in which case a small and unobtrusive logo is permitted on the left hand bottom corner of the page.